Lenses and sensors for medical technology
The social and economic importance of health has never been as high as it is today. Healthcare and healthness are trends in the medical industry as well as drivers of medical technology. But the rules of the medtech industry are strict: High normative and regulatory criteria must be met to ensure patient safety. Therefore, care and reliability are particularly important in the development and production of lenses, sensors and components for medical, analytical and laboratory technology.
Our knowledge of the specific requirements with regard to process and quality standards makes us a reliable partner for renowned companies in the healthcare industry. We know and meet the standards with regard to product cleanliness, complete traceability and documentation, equipment qualification and process validation.
With our precision components, we contribute to progress in prevention, analytics, diagnostics and therapy, making the world a little healthier together with our customers.
Among other things, we develop and produce components for surgical and examination lights as well as optical assemblies for a wide variety of analytical devices, modules for point-of-care applications and medical disposables.